Thursday, December 14, 2006

Leaving on a jet plane...

But I do know that I should be back again at the end of April 07.
I still have no idea about email contact while I'm away but I'll post here
to keep you updated.
At the moment things are very very busy trying to get ready to go. I am
incredibly grateful to all the wonderful people who have helped me through
this whole process.
This post feel very repetitive... but I may have more to say after I arrive
in PNG on Monday.

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1 comment:

Naaaaath said...

hi there Shar,

Worked with the Anglican Health Services lots whilst over there. There are some great people in Popondetta - and email contact is (normally!) v.slow but OK through the AHS head office...

I will always hold a special place in my heart for ACPNG. PNG struggles badly for doctors... it's fantastic to hear you'll be making a contribution there.