Thursday, December 28, 2006

Belated but sincere Merry Christmas

Some of you may be pleased to know that my accustomed Christmas Scrooge-like grumpiness and cynicism has been tempered by spending this quiet festive season with my wonderful friends who are a calming influence: Jacqui, Greg, Louis and Rachel.
Love to you all as we stop to celebrate the birth of an extraordinary baby...
P.S. Just a quick reminder that I can't readily access my usual email account. I will post an address here as soon as I can set it up.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas is coming in PNG...

I thought that I would escape the pre-Christmas endless repetition of Christmas songs in supermarkets, but whe I arrived in Goroka, guess what? they had 'Let it snow' playing in the local supermarket. (Which is about as likely to happen as... well, something very very unlikely.)
I have, however, arrived safely. I had a dream trip, no problems with any of the connections. Special thanks to Deshan and Clayde who drove me to the airport, hung around to keep me company, and provided expert advice on packing.
I'm looking forward to a few days of readjusting to the climate and the language, and also getting some rest over Christmas, before heading out to Popondetta and Oro Bay. Have a wonderful Christmas, everyone!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Leaving on a jet plane...

But I do know that I should be back again at the end of April 07.
I still have no idea about email contact while I'm away but I'll post here
to keep you updated.
At the moment things are very very busy trying to get ready to go. I am
incredibly grateful to all the wonderful people who have helped me through
this whole process.
This post feel very repetitive... but I may have more to say after I arrive
in PNG on Monday.

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