Thursday, July 5, 2012

Safe arrival

It's always surprising how familiar and how unfamiliar PNG is when I arrive. Someone was speaking Pidgin to me at the airport in Cairns and I was struggling, but once I landed and was driving towards Rumginae, it clicked into place again.  There are power issues with the generator here, so I am typing this to upload when there is power for the Internet. There are power issues here with current elections, which have been peaceful in this general vicinity so far.  On the way up on the plane I complied a list of things that will be good about having limited Internet access: 1. I will have to lose Words with Friends games more slowly.  2. I have had to cull my twitter list and will therefore save enormous amounts of time. In theory.  3. Diminished temptation to google spoilers for movies or tv shows I am currently watching.  That's all I can think of for now. 

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