Sunday, December 21, 2008

Appropriate culturally-senstive holiday season greetings!

The Iron Stomach Chef competition commences - although there should be a prize of chocolate if someone can make something edible out of this. I have rice, tinned tuna, peanut butter, frozen bread, broccoli, onions, beans and milk. I can probably steal/borrow/beg spices etc from other families. Anyone up to the challenge?

Otherwise I am well. Rumginae has been - dare I say it? - quiet for the last few days. We did have a baby yesterday, though, which is always fun. And adrenaline-inducing.

Love and regards to all,

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Unfortunate delay in the inaugural Iron Stomach Chef competition

... due to the fact that there is nothing in the cupboard and only milk and water in the fridge and a pineapple on the bench.

Will let you know once we have ingredients to work with!

Safe arrival at Rumginae; it is incredibly familiar already and I am looking forward to sleeping well tonight and starting work tomorrow.

Love Shar

Sunday, December 14, 2008

If you don't believe in miracles...

... then you should know that I managed to catch one Qantas flight and two Air Niugini flights on Saturday, and all of them were ON TIME!
Not only that, but my luggage made it to the same place as me - which was where I wanted to be going.
But, wait - there's more. Even the fragile items in my luggage made it safely. Oh yeah - and so did I.
And if you still don't believe in miracles, clearly you haven't travelled on either of those two airlines recently.
Love to all!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

If you have nothing better to do...

Check out ABC Radio National's Religion Report next week (17th December). 8.30 am or 8pm. Or online.
It's their last one ever. (Sad face.)
Also, a lolly for the first three people who can work out what TV show I was thinking of at the time...

Monday, December 8, 2008

It's official.

There will definitely not be any room in my suitcase for chocolate. I am breaking out into a cold sweat at the very thought.
However, the up-side is that it is due to the generosity of many people who have helped fill my suitcases with hospital equipment that I am obliged to save the chocolate for my return.
I am particularly excited about having bought the materials to (in theory!) set up a phototherapy unit for jaundiced babies. By buying bits and cobbling them together, I paid $300 instead of $6000 for the fancy hospital version, so as a shopper who loves a bargain, I feel like I have done well.
In theory, I will be less isolated due to Rumginae now having satellite internet! I love theories. So hopefully I'll update this charming piece of literature soon after arrival.
Lukim yu behain.